In the summer of 2004, we received the Keep on the Watch brochere and it stated that we had entered into the Hour of Judgement....But they never stated why, when or what or how...I was blown away. I thought JW's backed up everything they it's been a rollercoaster ride out of the org..ever since then...So happy to be out!!
Star Moore
JoinedPosts by Star Moore
What was your first Apostasy?
by Dune ini'm re-reading 1984 and the similarities between the wtbs and the "party" astound me, but anyway, it made me think of the time when i started to get doubts (thoughtcrime).. i remember once at this book study a sister commented about the 1914 and was reciting it's historical accuracy.
anyway, she went on to mention that the demons were probably learning everything about biblical prophecies from the wtbs.
i was 13 at the time but the comment made me cringe, i was thinking "why would superior beings need humans to interpret the bible for them?
Kingdom Halls?
by Rooster in.
when jesus was talking to the samaritan woman by the well did he imply that buildings (like the temple) would have to be built & dedicated to god for a person to be able to worship god?
can modern day kingdom halls really be considered a place of true worship?
Star Moore
The early christians met in houses in small groups and had their own agendas, not ordered to do all doing the same things, believing all the same things, from a governing body. The apostles and older men in Jerusalem solved one problem after a long period of time of disputes, that of circumcism. We have no record that they controlled every move they made right down to having a beard or not, what songs to sing, etc.
Here it is: my da letter
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini sent it out nov 14. my bday.
thought that i would finally share it with you guys.
in the end, that story is just not that important now.
Star Moore are quite
How do you choose......
by EC ini was born and raised a jw.... right now i know i am still going through the deprogramming, but in the pit of my stomach i so want to believe in something.
i don't know if it is because i always have had a regular "schedule" with god, but to leave and not believe anymore to me is very lonely.
where do you start?
Star Moore
Hello dear friend,
It comes down to, do you want to ordered what to believe, or do you want true christian freedom and have Jesus be your true mediator instead of 12 men in Bethel. I have learned in leaps and bounds with my new set of eyes since I left in Aug. I choose freedom and Jesus.
Lovingly, Star
letter to elder (part 2 of da)
by BlackSwan of Memphis inok, id mentioned in my da post that i would show you guys the letter that i wrote to the po after he sent me his card.. i thought maybe it might be of interest.. i never heard back from him, i guess i got my point across..
thank you for the kind words and sentiments.
terry and i want you to know that we think of you as family.
Star Moore
Dear Auld Soul...I say AMEN to everything you said. I believe too, that we no longer need to go to this mountain (organization) or that one. But just to Jesus.
Black Swan, I, too left the org. partially because they didn't mention Jesus enough but in a different sense. If we are in the hour of judgement, like they say, then shouldn't they be looking for the warrior and judge, Jesus?. The one who is throwing a stone at the feet of the image (the US and Britain. ???? Shouldn't we be looking for evidense, now of him taking real action and not just holding our breath until it's over??? If we are in the "hour of judgement" which I believe we are, then he's very much here and getting ready to take his kingdom rule... All the JW's talk about is the Jesus 2000 years ago... And them they make fun of Christendom thinking of him as a babe in a manger. They are just as bad...all I every hear is about the Jesus 2000 years ago. UGH I'm outta there!!
What would you expect Jesus to say if he gave a talk at a Kingdom Hall?
by JH in.
don't forget to give in your time sheets?
Star Moore
I loved auld soul's comment. About him being an apostate. He was the original apostate so I must follow his pattern of healthful words.
Also he would say, Surprise. God accepts honest hearted people in every religion.
Here it is: my da letter
by BlackSwan of Memphis ini sent it out nov 14. my bday.
thought that i would finally share it with you guys.
in the end, that story is just not that important now.
Star Moore
Hey Meagan,, It's your buddy Star Moore. You are a breath (spirit) of sunshine...or a star...
I have a Question?
by Third Eye Open inhi everyone, i am supposed to meet with an elder tonight.
i met several times with him before going over questions (my mother thinks he will restore my evil thinking).
anyway we have already gone over all of the basics (1874,1914,607 no answer for this one, the un and everything else).
Star Moore
Hi 3rd eye....welcome. I was a JW for 26 years and just broke free only 3 months ago. I can tell you that it is very hard to break free because of these teachings.
Jesus is the son rather than part of a trinity but a creation
the paradise earth
the ransom sacrifice and all it entails
the soul is not immortal
God's name is Jehovah and he's greater than Jesus
Hell is not hot and the dead are in a sleep in Sheol or Hades
the kingdom is a real Government
So to me, in order for these teachings to shine above the other religions, which they do, there must have been some with God's spirit. I feel Raymond Franz had God's spirit and Russell. Also probably some of the disfellowshipped lot in 1980 had God's spirit. But the concept of a governing body is WRONG and the cultish control of the members is WRONG. So they have made themselves into a GOLDEN CALF. I actually feel, myself, that they have turned themselves into the EVIL SLAVE.
JW are right
by Shazard inthey just don't know what about :) i will tell... actually the day when watchtower organization is going down from inside, it will bee armageddon for them!
just don't know exact year it will happen so no... i am not prophet, just descreet and faithfull slave :)
Star Moore
Have you ever read about the peg of Shebna? It's in Is. 22...Talks about a peg who had at one point been in charge of the household of God but became arrogant and God had to hurl them down like a ball thrown in open land. Read it and let me know if you think it could be talking about the WT's decline. Also I think Jesus in the servent, Eliakim who will take over. Maybe the peg is all the Christian religions. Or maybe the Catholic church. What do you think???
Jesus condemns the wt
by Satanus injws always throw the challenge that no other religions preach door to door.
however, they forget what jesus said about feeding and clothing poor people.
many churches give away food, clothes, fridges, stoves, vouchers.
Star Moore
Brother Franz wrote extensively about how 'house to house' didn't have to mean door to door preaching but could mean that they ended up going to people's homes for more bible discussion after they had established a contact previously. Usually the record in bible talks about Jesus and the apostles meeting people on the road, in a market place, synagouge, etc.
JW's feel that the way they are helping the brothers of Christ is by going out in service. ?? I'm sure Jesus @ judgement day is going to look @ real physical things like he mentioned. I'm not convinced there are any real annointed brothers in the governing body now. Since Brother Franz and company left, I doubt there could be any left. I sure don't feel it when I read the literature.